edgy boho







EN: Clothing items of simple, everyday patterns can become more interesting and eye-catching if there are some interesting prints. I love geometric prints, especially black and white, so I had to buy these fabrics. I chose the cardigan pattern to be simple and straight because of the bold fabric design,  but I could not resist to play a little bit and disrupt the regularity of the pattern with pockets and especially the self fabric tape on the neck and along the opening. As for the pattern of the shorts, I used an old brother’s shorts as a basis and adjusted it to the female figure. There are two small pleats in the front, and a elastic waist band, which makes this item very comfortable. This is perhaps the third or fourth such shorts that I have sewed. (One of them is in this post.) I also made this bucket bag of silver false leather, that I love insanely for its color and structure (it’s neither too firm nor too soft), and I’ve imagined about a million more other stuff that I could make of it. (In this post I have already said what silver color means to me and why I feel so good in it.) All three necklaces were made of polymer clay, which I discovered two years ago as a great fun. I haven’t used it for quite a time but now I’m coming back to this hobby again. I like so much the color of this T-shirt and it is the perfect tester for the color-blind  (is it blue or green?). It is an old boyfriend’s T-shirt, which now became mine, and I’ve cut its sleeves and a neckline, because I have a physical need to cut things. OK, I have finished  enumerating now, but forgive me for the stylistic clumsiness because of the fact that almost everything I wear is the work of my hands. Not that it was planed, things just matched like that…

SR: Odevni komadi jednostavnih, opuštenih krojeva postaju interesantniji i upečatljiviji ako su zanimljivog printa. Obožavam geometrijske printove, posebno crno-bele, tako da sam morala da imam ove materijale. Odabrala sam da kroj džempera bude što jednostavniji i ravan zbog krupnoće šara, ali nisam mogla da odolim da se malo ne poigram i ne poremetim njihovu pravilnost džepovima i posebno trakama na izrezima oko vrata i duž otvora. Što se tiče kroja šortsa, iskoristila sam bratov stari šorts za osnovni kroj i prilagodila ga ženskoj figuri. Napred ima dve male falte, i na lastiš je, zbog čega je jako udoban i nosiv. Ovo je možda treći-četvrti ovakav šorts koji sam sašila. (Jedan od njih je i u ovom postu.) Torbu sam, takođe, ja napravila od srebrne eko kože, koju neizmerno obožavam zbog boje i strukture (nije ni previše čvrsta ni previše mekana), i zamislila sam otprilike još milion stvari koje bih mogla od nje da sašijem. (U ovom postu sam već govorila šta sve srebrna boja za mene označava i zbog čega mi toliko prija.) Sve tri ogrlice sam napravila od plastelina za nakit, koji sam otkrila pre dve godine kao divnu zabavu. Duže vreme ga nisam uopšte koristila, ali sad se opet po malo vraćam i tom hobiju. Majica, čija boja mi se toliko sviđa, i koja je savršen tester za daltoniste (da li je plava il zelena?) je stara dečkova, a sad moja, kojoj sam isekla rukave i otvor oko vrata, jer imam fizičku potrebu da kasapim stvari. Ok, završila sam nabrajanje, al’ oprostićete stilsku neodmerenost teksta zbog činjenice da je skoro sve što nosim delo mojih ruku. Nije da je to bio plan, stvari su se jednostavno tako uklopile…

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